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10: noi tu love

Because all of us are standing on the shoulders of giants when it comes to learning, in that, the information we absorb has been left by others before us, its only right to mention some of the people that inspired this story.
If you read This Soul'd World and enjoyed it, you could also see the following as further reading.
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The Holographic Universe by Micheal Talbot
Interesting to say the least. Whether you appreciate science or faith, this book will test your paradigm...
The Secret History of the World by Mark Booth
Have you ever wondered how this world came to be? Well, there's the official story, and then there's a secret one...
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
A simple and uplifting tale of living told through metaphor. Was a pivotal book in the run up to starting This Soul'd World.
The Field by Lynne McTaggart​
As technology increases and research continues, its some of the less well-known studies that can be some of the most important...
Confessions of an Economic Hitman by John Perkins​
When a country wants to empire-build, it needs a military but economic hitmen are cheaper and obtain the same results...
Journey of Souls by Michael Newton
This book is intriguing and captivating for the open-minded reader. 1.6k amazon reviews and a 4.5 average speaks for itself.
THe rise of consciousness

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